Court Enforcement Services secures top 3 market position in only 2 years
The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) has just released its report regarding the High Court Writ Volumes for 2016. On analysis, it places Court Enforcement Services as already securing a top three position within two years of its launch into the High Court Enforcement sector.
The company managed by a very experienced team within the Civil and High Court Enforcement industry has brought a fresh, modern and above all personal customer-focussed approach to High Court Enforcement.
Daren Simcox, Managing Director said, “I’m exceptionally proud to note our combined group at Court Enforcement Services has attained an 18% market share of all writs issued. It places us as number 3 in overall size of the market This is an amazing achievement in our second full year of trading, and a massive thank you to all who have helped us achieve this”.