Judgment Debtor FAQs
I have received a Notice of Enforcement, what can I do?
The Notice of Enforcement is sent at the start of the compliance period and notifies the judgment debtor that a writ of control has been issued. The compliance period allows the judgment debtor 7 clear days in which to pay in full or put forward an offer of repayment which is acceptable to the creditor. Payment or an acceptable offer or repayment at this stage prevents the incurrence of further enforcement fees beyond the compliance stage fee (currently £75 plus VAT).
If you have received a letter you can make payment 24/7 via our automated telephone service on 0343 504 1607 and selecting option 1. A list of alternative payment methods can be found here: Payment Options. Please ensure that you quote our reference number, which is stated on the letter and begins with “6011”. Failure to quote this may result in the payment not being allocated to your account.
I would like to put forward an offer of repayment, how can I do this?
If you would like to propose a payment arrangement, please contact us on 0343 504 1607 and select option 2 to speak with a member of our team. Our advisor will review your account and may ask some questions around your current circumstances and ability to pay the balance.
All offers of repayment are subject to creditor approval and will be relayed to them for their consideration. Where possible you should look to make a reasonable down payment as this shows your commitment to the proposal.
I am already in a payment arrangement, has anything changed?
Please continue to make your payments as usual. This will ensure that your arrangement is not broken and therefore, halt any further enforcement activity.
You can continue to make payments 24/7 via our automated telephone service on 0343 504 1607 and selecting option 1. All our available methods of payment can be found here: Payment Options.
My circumstances have changed and I am having difficulty making payment, what are my options?
If you are having difficulties making payment it is important you contact us and speak with an advisor. In some cases your account may be reviewed by our in-house welfare team who are trained to deal with a variety of different scenarios. They will be able to cover review your circumstances in detail and relay this to the creditor, whilst also signposting you to independent advice charities.
If you require free independent debt advice, you can contact one of the following debt charities
- National Debtline
- Money Advice Service
- Citizens Advice
- Advice UK
- Stepchange
Will an Enforcement Agent visit my address?
Please continue to make your payments as usual. This will ensure that your arrangement is not broken and therefore, halt any further enforcement activity.
You can continue to make payments 24/7 via our automated telephone service on 0343 504 1607 and selecting option 1. All our available methods of payment can be found here: Payment Options.
My circumstances have changed and I am having difficulty making payment, what are my options?
If you are having difficulties making payment it is important you contact us and speak with an advisor. In some cases your account may be reviewed by our in-house welfare team who are trained to deal with a variety of different scenarios. They will be able to cover review your circumstances in detail and relay this to the creditor, whilst also signposting you to independent advice charities.
If you require free independent debt advice, you can contact one of the following debt charities
- National Debtline
- Money Advice Service
- Citizens Advice
- Advice UK
- Stepchange
Will an Enforcement Agent visit my address?
An amendment to the Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2013 came into effect on 25th April 2020 which temporarily prohibits Enforcement Agents from taking control of goods on the highway or at a residential address, at a time when the judgment debtor is prevented from leaving the place in which they usually live without a reasonable excuse. This is a temporary amendment due to the coronavirus outbreak, you should continue to attempt to resolve the matter whilst this amendment is in place to avoid enforcement visits and additional costs at a later date.
It is important to note that when enforcement visits to residential premises recommence no further Notice of Enforcement will be sent where the compliance period has elapsed. This means that you may not receive any further notification prior to an enforcement agent attending your address.
There are currently no restrictions prohibiting enforcement visits at commercial addresses.